Small Group Lifting & Conditioning Sessions

Train in small groups with a provided program and personal coaching to build your foundational strength & conditioning. Your program will be adjusted every three weeks to support your goals.

Lifting Sessions are split into 3 Foundational Programs (Lift A,B & C) that target 4 major muscle groups. You will track and record your progress throughout the session giving your coach the information they need to build your strength.

Conditioning Sessions will challenge your muscular and cardiovascular endurance.

Book a free consult to see what program will best suit you.

Personal Training

Work with me to set and achieve your fitness goals with personalized programming and coaching.  Free consultations are 30 minutes.

Six-week Personalized-Programs: $175

Each personalized program includes:

  • A 60-minute physical session

  • A 6-week written program

  • A 30-minute halfway check-in

One-on-one sessions: $75 per session

Two-on-one sessions: $90 per session

Queen Alexandra - Bootcamp

QA Staff Only

Train your muscular endurance and challenge your cardio during this high intensity circuit class. This circuit will run on the outdoor basketball court.

  • Wednesday, 12:10 pm to 12:53 p.m.

Inquire about my services here: